Verse for Today

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The One-Year Bible - 31 January 2012

Exodus 12:14 - 13:16
Matthew 20:29 - 21:22
Psalm 25: 16-22
Proverbs 6: 12-15

Exodus reading: This passage describes the meticulous planning required for the first Passover, marking the celebration of how God spared the Israelites during the final and most devastating plague to befall Egypt - that of the death of the first-born.

However, what's striking for me is Chapter 13: 8-9, which speaks of the celebration or remembrance of what God did in rescuing Israel from Egypt as a visible sign, like "a mark branded on your hand or forehead".  It was similar marks that signified the death of Jesus - the ones on his forehead caused by the crown of thorns, and the ones on his wrists caiused by the nails that held him on the cross - which we remember whenever we partake in Communion.

Which makes me wonder about the symbolism of the so-called "mark of the beast" described in Revelation - 666 - that the Antichrist will force people at that time to wear on their foreheads or wrists.

I'm not convinced that this mark is necessarily derived from our modern UPC barcode (despite many books having been written depicting the three sets of double-vertical bars representing the number 6), nor do I believe that this mark is necessarily the logical conclusion of a cashless society.  Rather, I think that this sign or mark, which is to be worn on the wrist or forehead, represents an obliteration of our remembrance of all that is Godly.

Instead of remembering the Old Testament God who rescued the Israelites from Egypt, or the New Testament God (Jesus) who rescued all who believed in him from the clutches of sin, could taking on this "mark of the beast" perhaps be seen as removing one's focus from God and focussing instead on "anti-Christ" things, practices, or persons?  It certainly sounds plausible, doesn't it?

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