Verse for Today

Friday, January 20, 2012

The One-Year Bible - 20 January 2012

Genesis 41:17 - 42:17
Matthew 13: 24-46
Psalm 18: 1-15
Proverbs 4: 1-6

Psalms reading: God has surely blessed David with an incredible gift to use words, since his Psalms convey vivid images of who God is, how God manifests, and the way in which God relates to people.  This Psalm is no different - in the first few verses David paints a picture of God's steadfastness, using words like strength, rock, fortress, shield, and place of safety.  There is much that can be gleaned from this Psalm as it goes on to describe God's magnificence and might, with images of shaking mountains, smoke pouring forth from God's nostrils, thunder, lightning, and the blast of God's breath in command.

But today I want to focus on the steadfastness of God - that steadiness and security that comes from knowing that God is strong, God can be relied upon, and God wants to give us sanctuary.  We can give thanks to God for the assurance that, come what may, this mighty, powerful God loves us mere mortals so much that God is willing to hear our prayers, enfold us with love, protect us, and save us.

Halleluyah!  God is good!

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