Verse for Today

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The One-Year Bible - 11 January 2012

Genesis 24:52 - 26:16
Matthew 8: 18-34
Psalm 10: 1-15
Proverbs 3: 7-8

Matthew reading: "Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat.  But Jesus was sleeping".  I've always wondered about this particular storm that brought such fear and trembling to the disciples - bearing in mind that (a) many of the disciples were seasoned fishermen, accustomed to rough weather, and (b) the Sea of Galilee was well-known for its fierce storms.  One can only conclude that this particular storm must have been extremely severe indeed.

Jesus never promised that storms would not come into our lives.  In this account, we see a particularly severe storm coming literally into the lives of the disciples, even while in the very presence of Jesus.  And one thing is certain - even though we believe that Jesus loves and protects us, the storms of life will still come.  We are not exempted from them.  And when they come, it may seem to us that our Lord is fast asleep.  But we can rest assured - Jesus will be there to still the waves, helping us to come through the storms of life and ensuring that even though we may be battered and drenched by the storm's waters, we will not drown so long as our trust and faith is in him.

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