Verse for Today

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The One-Year Bible - 25 January 2012

Genesis 50:1 - Exodus 2:10
Matthew 16:13 - 17:9
Psalm 21: 1-13
Proverbs 5: 1-6

Matthew reading: We sometimes have a strange concept of what it means to be a Christian - we accept Jesus as Lord, and then expect ourselves to be perfect from then on.  And when one's halo slips from time to time because of our inherent human weakness, we put the boot in, labelling the person as fleshly, or influenced (or even worse) possessed by some evil spirit.  This means that instead of acknowledging our human frailties, repenting of our wrongdoing, receiving the forgiveness of Jesus, making right where needed, and moving on, we get into this whole state of "needing deliverance".  Then, when we slip up the next time, we condemn ourselves and even believe that the demonic influence has not yet left us.

That's why Peter has such a special place in my heart.  One moment he receives the divine revelation of who Jesus is, for which Jesus commends his steadfastness; next moment, he is trying to turn Jesus from his (Jesus') mission and purpose.  Later, we see Peter promising never to betray Jesus, then he denies Jesus three times.  Then we see the miracle of Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit manifests and gives Peter such power that even his brings healing.  He preaches the most anointed sermons, but has issues with Gentiles.  In other words, Peter is as weak and fallible as the rest of us.

In a sense, then, Peter is like all of us - bumbling, saying stupid things, biased, bigoted, impulsive, yet when he submits to Christ, his life is the most incredible testimony of one who walks with Jesus, led by the Spirit, honouring God.  We are not called to perfection; we are called to relationship.  Our relationship with Jesus allows us to become more Christ-like.  And it is our relationship with Jesus that makes all the difference in our lives and in the lives of others.

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