Verse for Today

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The One-Year Bible - 23 January 2012

Genesis 46:1 - 47:31
Matthew 15: 1-28
Psalm 19: 1-14
Proverbs 4: 14-19

Genesis reading: Isn't hindsight a perfect science?  God uses Joseph as a source of provision for Egypt and the surrounding lands during the seven years of famine, but we also see that once people's money had run out in order to purchase food, Joseph instructed them to bring their livestock (their means of generating income), their lands, and ultimately their labour (as slaves).  While Egypt was being ruled by a relatively benevolent Pharaoh, all was well, but in future years a different Pharaoh made life extremely difficult, especially for the Israelites.

I don't want to question Joseph's motives - in all likelihood, Joseph believed that he was honouring God and therefore probably acted in good faith and with integrity.  Yet his actions, although contributing to people's rvation and well-beinghort term, inadvertently led to their eventual enslavement.

There are parallels with modern capitalism.  Entrepreneurs who are willing to take risks, are successful, and can accumulate capital tend to become wealthy.  However, over time these businesses sometimes develop into large corporations, which (in some cases) can abuse their dominant position.  Individuals, on the other hand, have nothing to offer but their labour, and so become "wage slaves".

The lessons are numerous.  For those seeking to do good, careful thought of the possible consequences must take place (e.g. feeding people is good; creating a culture of dependency is not).  For those who are working (the majority of us), it is critical that we temper our lifestyles and put something aside rainy day, lest we become dependent on others (and risk being exploited).

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