Verse for Today

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The One-Year Bible - 21 January 2012

Genesis 42:18 - 43:34
Matthew 13:47 - 14:12
Psalm 18: 16-36
Proverbs 4: 7-10

Matthew reading: "This is what the Kingdom of Heaven is like ...".  Jesus uses these or similar words numerous times to introduce a metaphor that attempts to describe what God's Kingdom is like, and in today's passage Jesus uses the analogy of fishing.  The net is thrown into the water, and all kinds of fish are caught - both good and bad.  Those catching fish then sort out the good from the bad, and discard the bad.

A similar separation will take place between wicked and righteous.  But notice who does the separation.  It is the angels (who act, presumably, under God's direction) who do the separation.  Our tendency as humans is to want to take on a task that was never delegated to us.  It is God who throws out the net (by the prompting of the Holy Spirit - call it "prevenient grace" if you like).  God also acknowledges that this net will bring in both good and bad.  And finally, it is God who does the sorting.

So what, then, is our role?  Taking our cue from the parable of the sower, out task is to sow - irrespective of where the seed may fall.  The seed will fall in all sorts of ground, which represents our choice to respond.  We can decide whether we will be wicked or righteous.  But ultimately it is God who does the sorting.  Deciding on behalf of others who is righteous and who is wicked is not our job!

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